Monday, November 3, 2008

A sick little Baby!

On Saturday morning Bella woke up at 3 coughing and with a stuffy nose (I did also)!
When we actually got up Saturday morning, she had a little fever and just wanted to sleep and nurse. By the evening, her temperature was 102 degrees and she was a little fussy.

As a mother, the worst thing is seeing your child in pain and feeling crummy. It was horrible! Isabella especially HATED getting her nose suctioned out, which she screamed at every time...although she really didn't seem to mind getting the thermometer stuck up her little bummy. LOL!
Saturday was filled with laying LOW, a hot steamy shower to clear out our noses, and lots of Kleenex!

Here is our little muffin with a damp cloth on her head... still looking cute even with a cold and fever!
On Sunday we got up and Isabella was feeling much better. Her temperature was only 98.7 (normal) and her nosey wasn't as stuffy! We were so thankful that she was better and her cold only lasted a day! This is a pic of Bella Girl on Sunday afternoon... looking much better!


Mandi Merritt said...

I'm so glad Bella is feeling better! Hope you are getting better too :)

holly gannett said...

hey just thought I would let you know, if you haven't heard this already, but "Little Nosies saline drops" work wonders when she is stuffed up! I would put it in Ella's nose and it breaks all that gunk up. Then you can suck it all out. Just for future reference.

Glad to hear she is doing better though!

LeroyLime said...

awww...cute onesie! Glad you are both feeling better!! NO more sickness, k?!