A few people n Ben's squadron are just getting into photography and wanted to start a photo a day project. So since the beginning of January I have been taking a photo everyday (I have only missed 3 days so far) and uploading it to my flickr account. It has been a lot of fun and a great way to capture everyday happenings in the Shaub household! Some of the photos are really good... some are an 'oh shoot I forgot to take a picture today'. It has been great to have my camera out on hand, trying new things and using different editing techniques.
Since the beginning of the New Year, some of you may have noticed a link to Flickr Photo sharing site on the right hand of my blog. For some reason the link isn't showing up anymore. I have tried to fix it... but I don't think Blogger supports it anymore (at least that is what my search has turned up). I have added a manual link that you can copy and past (I know its not as handy) and get to my photostream. OR just click the link below.
natalieshaub's photostream on Flickr.

Since the beginning of the New Year, some of you may have noticed a link to Flickr Photo sharing site on the right hand of my blog. For some reason the link isn't showing up anymore. I have tried to fix it... but I don't think Blogger supports it anymore (at least that is what my search has turned up). I have added a manual link that you can copy and past (I know its not as handy) and get to my photostream. OR just click the link below.
natalieshaub's photostream on Flickr.

natalieshaub's photostream on Flickr.
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