Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Child-proofing Anyone?

Well, these days Isabella has been changing a lot!!!
She is no longer just content with sitting quietly on the floor...
Her newest thing is getting into the cupboards. I love her little looks as she opens the doors and starts to grab something... She'll look up at me with these eyes that say... "Mommy I'm going to touch whatever is in here is that ok?"
Bella loves to open and close the doors as well. I keep thinking she's going to get her little fingers... but so far so good, no caught fingers.

Not only is she getting into the cupboards... today while I was changing her diaper, she some how managed to get the screw top off of her baby lotion (that was over and behind her head on the change table) and decided to take a hand full and eat it!

I have a feeling that our days of our sweet little girl who was so compliant, calm and didn't really get into 'trouble' are over (which in one way I'm not complaining about).
She'll still be our sweet girl, just in a different way!
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Anonymous said...

My theory is to let them do as much "exploring" as is safe for them. I think it is good to dig in cupboards and stuff to learn about opening and shutting, pulling and pushing, etc. We do very little "babyproofing" as it is, I expect that my kids will learn what is safe and not safe by me telling them and by learning from their own experiences/mistakes! Of course I don't let them get hurt, but I think you really can "babyproof" too much and take away some learning opportunities! Hold on tight, toddlerhood is a fun, busy and exciting ride!! I'm excited to hear about her adventures! Love the new stroller too!!!

LeroyLime said...

ha ha...have FUN! :) These are TRYING times