Sunday, August 30, 2009

Home to Calgary in August

Bella and I went back to Calgary for a week to visit family in August.
We first headed to the cabin with Grandma Susie and Grandpa Don. We had wonderful weather and it was so nice to be back up at the cabin again (I hadn't been since last November).
I didn't take many pictures this trip, as my camera's batteries were almost dead. I'm sure Grandma Susie has lots more photos on her camera.
It was great being in Calgary again. No matter where Ben and I live as long as we are moving around in the military... Calgary will always feel like 'home' in a way. And Isabella of course loved being spoiled by Grandpa Don and Grandma Susie.

Bella's grown a lot since the last time she was at the cabin.

Grandma Susie & Bella checking out the deer in the background.

It was great being able to see friends back in Calgary. We were only in Calgary for 3 days... so it was very busy, but we were able to see all our friends and family. Of course they all saw a HUGE difference in Belles, as we haven't been back to Calgary since Christmas (over 6 months).
Claire & Bella
Bella & Mr. William after our walk
Katherine and I took the kiddos to the Glencoe for a swim
A match made in heaven!

1 comment:

Paige said...

OH! That looks like SO much fun! Does Kathrine have a blog? Her boy is so cute! That's the first time I've seen him!