Isabella and I were in Billings for a week visiting Grammy Ann, Grampy Steve & Auntie Liz.
It really was a wonderful week. I was really looking forward to the trip and other then missing Ben, I really could have stayed longer. We made homemade jam... cookies... strawberry shortcake... had DQ ice cream and Grampy's Red Velvet cupcakes! Yummy... a great week for our tummies!
Isabella sure loved all the attention that her Grammy, Grampy and Auntie gave her while she was there (especially getting more sugar, ice cream, cupcake and syrup then usual... thanks to Grampy)!
An especially nice thing about heading North, was that we could actually go outside without melting, so Bella took the opportunity to WALK, WALK, WALK and WALK a little more. That girl wanted to walk everywhere! I bet she walked a total of 4 miles while we were there. It was so cute, every chance Bella had, whether it was walking to the mailbox or around Steve & Ann's neighborhood she took it smiling all the way.

It was so nice being back where there are mountains again. I miss them! There is something about the air in the mountains... it smells so fresh and clean.
We hiked for a little over a hour before turning around, because it looked like there was a storm coming... And the storm definitely came! It started raining, thundering and lightening. It was sorta fun actually. Steve had Belles in the pack on his back and ended up running the last little bit to try and get out of the storm. I think Bella thought it was fun being bounced all around as Steve ran, because she didn't seem to mind.
We were all drenched when we arrived back at the car! Should have gotten a picture of it... But of course didn't!
Here are some other cute pics from the week:
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