Friday, June 10, 2011

Some of Bella's favorite people!

Since last August, Bella has been going to Sunday School classes before church on Sunday's. She has the most WONDERFUL teachers. Half the time Belles is the only child in her class, so she has gotten totally spoiled by Ms. Julie and Ms. Jayme. Ever Sunday when we drop her off, they greet her with the biggest smiles and hugs. They both make her feel so special. There is no doubt in my mind that Bella will remember these sweet ladies when we leave and in her future. I believe Ms Julie and Ms Jayme have made a very strong Godly impression on our little girl and I know she is and will be a better person because of it. 
Ben and I am so thankful for the love of Christ that Julie and Jayme have shown to Isabella. We sure will miss them when we leave!

On another note... we went up to Qwartz Mountain for lunch after church with three other families (wish I took my camera out of the car... and taken some photos). After some lunch, Bella was looking like a crazy woman... sometimes I wonder why I buy her nice clothes (it took me 3 washes, scrubbing and oxyclean soaking to get these spaghetti stains out).

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

Haha...she looks like a mini Nat on a bad morning! :) hehe