Thursday, March 5, 2009

CHOP CHOP... 15 inches!

Two weeks ago I got my hair cut... a BIG hair cut!

15 inches!

I meant to post a pic before we left, but didn't. Ben and I had a deal that when we got pregnant I would cut my hair... and well Isabella was 8 months old... so I got an extra year and a half with my hair. I did need a change though... I hardly ever wear my hair down, because it takes so long to blow dry... Who actually has an extra 35 minutes to spen drying their hair every morning??? Definitely NOT me. I would much rather get an extra 35 minuted of sleep.
Summers in Altus is another reason why I got my hair chopped. It's too darn HOT to have all that hair...

Here is a before and after pic...

Yes, I am going to Donate my maine to Locks of Love


jenny said...

SUPER cute! Ahhh... short hair totally reminds me of summer days - which I'm anxiously awaiting!

holly gannett said...

Natalie it looks GREAT... you look GREAT :) never would of guessed you have a 8 month old!

By the way tell Ben to check out our blog because downtown Bozeman is like a war zone... I have a pic of it and couple links to it... so sad :(