Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh the Weather Outside is frightful!

But I like it!
Bella slept in until after 10... Ben is home, as the base is closed. I'm still in my pajamas and we are just hanging out. It's supposed to get worse in the next 24 hours. Oklahoma has declared a State of Emergency... which to me is humorous, considering its just snow and ice... and where I am from, it's the norm. Here, not so much!
Here is what it looks like outside:

I had a dream last night that I delivered the baby in the car on the way to the hospital, because Ben had to drive so slow on the icy roads. Wouldn't that be funny... Isabella born during a tornado and this baby born during a snow/ice storm!
As of right now... that will most likely NOT happen... and thankful for that!
As long as we have power, I'll keep posting photos of the weather outside. Our lights have been flickering... so who knows if I'll be able to!


LeroyLime said...

oh MY!! Stay safe!

Lulu and Tutz said...

I haven't stopped in for a while to see how Bella is growing...oh, my...she is more beautiful with each visit!!! You look about ready to deliver the next one...hoping all goes well - and quickly!