Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weather update

Well, Friday afternoon Ben decided he had had enough of the cold and boredom and started calling for a hotel in Lawton. Evey hotel room in
Lawton was booked, so he started calling Wichita falls for a hotel. Luckily we were able to get a room. So here we are... In wf and I must say I am thankful to have a warm place to sleep. I've heard FEMA hAs declared oklahoma in a stAte of emergency. Perhaps we are, but I keep thinking about the tragedy in Haiti and the people down there. We may not have power and we may have lost The majority of our trees and a little of our modern day conveniences... But we still have our health, houses, food, water and EachothEr. Not to mention that our family is enjoying the luxury of warmth, while many families in atus are not as fortunate.

With thAt all said I find this situation quite humorous! Those of you who have been following the blog since before Bella was born will remember the tornado and straight winds that ripped through Altus in June 2008. We lost power then too and headed up to okc for the weekend. The next weekend Isabella was born during a tornado warning, where I went from a 6-10 in the hall of the hospital. It was a crazy and chaotic birth to say the least.
And now this baby...although due on the 17th, at my apt last Monday I was dilated to 1-2 and 25% effaced and lost my mucous plug on Thursday. So now the question is... Will this baby come during the worst snow/ice storm in oklAhoma history. At least the hospital in Altus has power from generators! I Am supposed to have another ob apt tomorrow, but with no power, who knows! Rumor has it, Altus could be without power until tuesday or wednesday. So I guess we will stay here until we get word of the power coming back on, or I go into labor before then. What an adventure.

Please keep all the families in Altus who are without power and not as fortunate to stay in a warm hotel in your prayers. I would say over half the town is in this boat.
I'll keep everyone posted via ben's I touch.
As for now I'm signing off warm and still with child!

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

I still cannot believe you're ready to pop any day now! Stay warm and safe!!