Thursday, March 8, 2012

Emalina is 5 Months Old!

5 months already... WOW! 
This little girl is the sweetest thing ever! We love her so much! Can't believe in less then a month, Emalina will be half a year old. CRAZY!
Here are some things Emalina is doing these days:
  • EVERYTHING goes in her mouth... Especially her fingers, hand, fist. 
  • She loves playing with her susu. She is now a pro a taking it out and putting it back in
  • She FOUND HER VOICE this month... She makes sounds, talks and screeches at the top of her lungs when she wants something
  • She doesn't like when she is left in a room alone. She is totally aware when I leave the room.
  • When she lays on the floor, she pulls up her legs... and drops them to the side... making her
  •  Close to rolling from back to front. 
  • Her hair is TOTALLY falling out off the top of her head
  • SHe has a bald patch on the back of her head, surrounded by lots of thick brown hair... so it looks funny
  • Ever since we arrived back from Austria, Emalina has been a little fussy at night. Maybe it was the TRAUMATIC experience of Ben trying to feed her from a bottle... LOL!  Ben thinks it's him... because she's perfect until he comes home from work (obviously that's just the time she starts to fuss). 
  • She has also been getting up around 3-4am to eat in the night. It doesn't bother me too much though.
  • She is our first child who nurses and falls asleep when I put her to bed at night (said I'd never do it... But by the third, my philosophy has changed to... whatever works) Haha!
  • Still LOVES her swing, she is getting a little big for her bouncy seat. 
  • Just like her mama, her nose gets pink when cold. It's pink a lot.
  • In 3-6 month clothing. She's growing out of her onzies though
  • in size 2 diapers, but next pack I buy will be size 3
  • Loves grabbing at things
  • She likes holding on to the draw strings of my sweatshirt when she nurses
  • SHe still nurses every 2-3 hours during the day
  • She doesn't really like being left in the nursery (only tried a few times and I had to rescue her and the nursery workers from a screaming baby)
  • Loves watching Bella and Ethan play
  • Likes her exersaucer and playing on the floor

1 comment:

Amy Erpelding said...

I noticed you said she is your only baby that falls asleep at night after nursing. I don't know any different. That is so great because Jonah does the same thing and that makes going to bed a piece of cake. It will be fun to get the two of them together in April and take some pictures. I enjoy reading your blog!