Here I am at 36 weeks! I feel huge! I am huge... well at least my belly is!
At this point in my pregnancy with Isabella I was still going strong teaching spin... I really never got to the point in that pregnancy where I was like "get this baby out!". I felt great up until the day I went into labor.
With this baby, I must say that I am READY! I haven't been sleeping the greatest, my heartburn is kicking in hard core and I feel huge. And my favorite thing in the world is when people tell me that I'm huge or comment on how big I am. Common people have a little compassion for the ready to pop pregnant women!
Hopefully I wont have to share another 4 weeks of Pregnancy photos with you all. I would be perfectly fine with this baby coming early.

That's how I was with Ella... So I sympathize for you! Hang in there and by the way you look amazing like usual :)
you STILL look great and you really don't look much bigger than 2 weeks ago, which is good, right?! :) Hang in there, you're a ROCK STAR!
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