Friday, May 6, 2011


I was 20 week prego on Monday!!! 
I am amazed at how quickly this pregnancy is going by. I am feeling great... I have been able to continue teaching my spin class twice a week. I have never really gone with the 'keep your heart rate under 140 bpm' like most of the pregnancy books tell you to. The doctors here are firm believers in keeping in shape during pregnancy and with every pregnancy have said as long as I exercised before, I can continue with the same sort of exercise. So that is what I do. 
With that said... I have packed on the pounds in this first 20 weeks. So much so, that I am starting to think this baby just might be a boy. 
I feel like I am constantly eating! Eating, munching and snacking literally all day long. But the thing is, is I don't ever feel full!!!! LOL! 
So here is a tally of reasons for a Boy vs Girl up to this point (cont'd from a few weeks ago):
  • Gained just as much weight, if not more then with Ethan. At this point (see below) with Belles, I think I had only gained 4 lbs and you could hardly tell I was pregnant. 
  • This baby is only on the move sometimes... I remember having a scare with Ethan at 20 weeks, when he didn't move for almost a week straight. And this baby is similar. I will feel him/her move on most days, but sometimes, baby decides he is just too snug to move around and I wont feel him move for a few days in a row. Not the most reassuring thing.
  • I remember feeling like my bra strap was always too tight with Bella... and feeling like she was super high in my belly. I feel the same way with this pregnancy. 

We have our ultra sound next week on Thursday and at this point, we are still going to find out the sex of baby. I have a few mixed feelings about it. Bella and Ethan were such wonderful surprises... that it is hard to think about not having that element of surprise during labor and delivery!!! It will be interesting to see if we like finding out the sex, or if we decide we like to wait. 
So stay tuned for the big news nest week sometime! 
20 weeks and 4 days with Baby # 3
20 weeks with Bella (Wow, what a difference!)
Stay tuned for more posts coming soon... as there has been a lot going on these days!


Mandi Merritt said...

You look stunning! I can't believe you're 20 weeks already. Where does the time go??

Interesting point about your bra with Isabella. I felt the same way with both my girls!

So excited to hear what Baby Shaub # 3 is :)

gsstewar said...

Hi Natalie...i think that you look a little bigger b/c the pic was taken closer!

LeroyLime said...

love the comparison! Congrats on being 1/2're rocking pregnancy #3 Nat!