Monday, December 3, 2012

A Week in the Life: Monday!

A few of my friends are doing another rendition of A WEEK IN THE LIFE! 
We have been doing this for a couple of years now. It is sort of fun to look back to see what exactly was going on in a typical day of our lives. Funny how some things change and others totally stay the same. 
Check out our past WEEK IN THE LIFE's! 

So, our week began on a crisp Monday morning. How did your princess sleep? Can you believe that Bella hasn't taken off that crown since Saturday! Yes... she sleeps in it too. A true princess!

We had an extra child to get off to school this morning. My friend Andrea had to set up for MOPS, so she dropped Ada off at our house. Getting 4 in the car... was sorta like getting 3 in the car! Totally nuts! 
We made it to school only 10 minutes late. No too bad for starting off with an extra kid. 
 This is my first year doing MOPS. We have a great group of ladies. For the first half, my good friend Ashley and I were on baby room duty. Ethan stayed to help us out! After our hour in the baby room, we headed to the meeting. I forgot to take a picture of my table and the delicious food we ate. 
 After MOPS we headed beack to pick Bella up from preschool and then headed home for lunch. 
lunch menu: Chicken finger, broccoli and carrots. 
 Ethan cried for 20 minutes, because I wouldn't let him eat his advent chocolate before lunch. Poor little guy he was so sad. But it didn't last too long once he started eating his lunch... Maybe he was just hungry! 

 This little girl loves to eat. Emalina is getting her molars right now, so she has been a little picky lately. 
 Ahhh... my hour of sanity begins!!!! 1:15 was the time I got to relax and be kid free and quiet for a few hours. I always time it so Ethan and Emalina go down for afternoon naps at the same time. I make Bella have a quiet time for at least an hour! 
 After an hour in her room, Bella came down and we worked on her Advent craft: Truth in the Tinsel. We are a day behind... so she finished her Light of the World candle craft today. She wanted to put it at the top of the tree, because "it is close to heaven!"
 Emalina woke up first at 3:25. She sleeps in our closet during nap time. So Bella can have her room free to play during quiet time. 
 I had planned on going to the commissary for groceries after naps... But Bella was captivated by the snow outside and the neighbor girls making a snowman... So instead of going grocery shopping, I let them go outside and play in the snow. 
 Emalina wanted to go outside so bad and join them. 
 5:00 is dinner time for the kids. Dinner of campions today folks! Mac and cheese with hotdog, corn and grapes! 
 I shut Ethan's finger in the door after he went to the bathroom... so he was upset before dinner. 
 Ben and I ate just after 6. Emalina went to bed at 6! She was tired! 
 Bathtime for Bella and Ethan. 
 Snack before bed. yogurt!
 And after the kids were in bed... I had this to clean up! Ben usually helps with the kitchen while I am reading to the kids and putting them to bed. But he had to study... 

But wouldn't you know, I had this kitchen looking Mr. Clean clean in about 20 minutes! 
Monday's are always crazy, no matter what is going on. Tuesday's are our veg day... So we'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

jenny said...

Love it! Sounds a lot like my life... :-)