Thursday, February 18, 2010

Isabella Meets Ethan!

This is a little video of Bella right after Ben brought her into the hospital room to meet her little brother for the first time...
She has been an absolute wonderful BIG sister so far!
Isabella loves making sure Ethan has his susu in his mouth and his blanket. She wants to see him all the time and is very concerned when Ethan starts to cry. Today Ethan was in our room sleeping, while Ben, my mom and I were eating dinner and Isabella went to check on her little brother and came back saying oh o, oh o, oh o... And sure enough Ethan was crying.
What a great big sister.


Julie said...

What a great first meeting! Keep up the great work big sister Isabella.

LeroyLime said...

awwww...I love how her little arms went out as soon as Ben picked Ethan up! Too sweet...

and nice booty shot you snuck in the video of your man, Nat! :)

Anonymous said...

Ah this brought tears to my eyes...I remember when Emma...anyway, Bella is so sweet and ready to take care of her baby brother!!! Can't wait to meet Ethan!

Robin said...

I am in tears too at how sweet this video is of Bella meeting her baby brother. He is a cutie already!
I am so thankful that your labor was quick and fairly easy. Its amazing what prayer can do!!!
I can't wait to meet the lil guy!
Congrats! You look really good in the photos too after delivery....I am almost jealous! ;D