Friday, February 19, 2010

Labor & Delivery Story

So here is the L&D story this second time around.
If you want the FAST version (minus details... don't worry they are not gruesome at all) head on down to the bottom of the post:
To be honest, if I could have a labor like this every time... We'd be in business!

So to start off the story, Ben has been planning an Annual Awards Banquet for the base for the last few months. Because of the ice storm, original plans were altered, but Ben went ahead with the original date of the banquet, which was February 12th.
My Mom was supposed to get here Friday afternoon, but her flight was cancelled due to a big snow storm in Dallas. She bought another ticket for Saturday afternoon...

On Wednesday night I noticed my contractions were a little more painful then just plain old braxton hicks, but they weren't regular. I contracted randomly throughout the night and was practicing my breathing (knowing the contractions were only going to get a lot worse). Thursday, less contractions... but the pain was the same. I kept thinking to myself, this has got to be doing something to my cervix.
Things started happening at about 2pm on Friday. The contractions were getting even stronger, I was still practicing my breathing, focusing on relaxing through the contractions. To tell you the truth, I didn't really think I was in labor. My body had been tricking me throughout the last few weeks contracting regularly... so I really didn't think this was it.

At 3:30 I took Belles for a walk (or I should say that Bella took me for a walk) we stopped and talked to neighbors and I joked saying I was going to try and hold off until the banquet was over. At this point the contractions were 5-6 minutes apart. Still really didn't think I was actually in labor. Just before 5pm I called Ben at work to see how preparations were going for the banquet and I told him "I don't want to put a kink into things... but I just want to let you know that I am contracting every 6 minutes". I told him I was going to go drop Bella off at the Church for parents night out and then let him know how I felt.
15 minutes later, Ben called and was on his way home. The Wing Commander heard that I was contracting every 5-6 minutes and kicked Ben out of Banquet planning preparations. I got nervous at this thinking to myself... what if this is just false labor?
Well as soon as Ben got home, the contractions started getting more intense. Perfect timing! So at 5:30 we loaded into the car and drove to the Church to drop Bella off at parents night out.

We got to the hospital, in processed and was in the room at 5:45. The nurses monitored me for about half an hour, and then checked me. At this point I was asked what kind of pain medication I would like... to which I responded: NOTHING! I have always wanted to have a totally natural labor, without any pain medications
I was at a 7 and 100% effaced and my bag of waters were protruding. I guess I was in labor!
The doctor was called in at this point and said that he thought we'd have a baby within an hour of breaking my water. Wow... in between contractions I kept looking at Ben and saying "this is SO different then last time"!!! The doctor broke my water just after 7:00. My contractions did get more intense, but luckily stayed about 4-5 minutes apart... so it gave me good time to relax and watch the opening ceremonies for the Vancouver Olympics!
At 7:30 I had two REALLY painful contractions and felt the pressure on my bottom. Doctor checked me and it was time to push.

This time around I really 'got' the pushing part. I pushed through about 4 contractions and our little mister was born at 7:42! CRAZY! I just couldn't believe it when the doctor said if you push like that during your next contraction, we'll have a baby on the next push!!!!

So Ben missed the banquet he had been planning... But all went well without him there. At least he had a good excuse! Col. Thomas even announced our new arrival at the end of the banquet!

A little boy! It is a little crazy to think we now have a son. When he came out, I was shocked how fast and relatively easy it was. I was also shocked, because he looked nothing like Isabella! He is so fair and his hair is so light compared to hers. He actually has PEACH FUZZ... compared to Isabella's BLACK FUZZ what was all over her body.
He's so cute and precious! We are so thankful for the safe and easy delivery. Thanks for all of your prayers and support. We are so grateful!

February 12, 2010
2:30- Contractions got painful and noticed they were coming somewhat regularly
3:30- Bella and I went for a walk down the street... Contractions every 5-6 minutes. Painful enough to have to stop walking and breath through.
5:00- Informed Ben that I was contracting every 5 minutes
5:15- Ben came home
5:30- Dropped Isabella off at the Church for Parents Night Out
5:45- Arrived in hospital room, started monitoring labour
6:15- Nurse checked me... at a 7 and 100% effaced
7:00- Doctor broke my water
7:30- Started pushing
7:42- Ethan Abner Shaub was born, 100% drug free!
The End... or should I say... Just the beginning of our lives with this little man!


Karisa said...

Thanks for sharing - I love birth stories! Ethan's birth sounds sooo similar to Laurel's. Congrats on a drug-free birth - aren't they awesome? :-) Laurel and Annika have completely opposite coloring as well. Ethan is so precious; continue to enjoy this wonderful time!!!

Robin said...

Wow, you are a trooper! Good job! I was so shocked and excited when I heard you dropped Isabella off at date night, and had the baby before you had to pick her up again. Amazing!

Robin said...

Oh yeah, the room you were in at the hospital looks just like the one I had Emari in....brings back memories. Can't belive its been nearly 4 years ago.

LeroyLime said...

HOLY COW girl, you NEVER told me you did it all without DRUGS, YEAH for you!!! :) Lovely story!

jenny said...

Wonderful! Gives me hope for my next delivery - as Bella's was from hell. Each one is different, they say! I'm curious to know Isabella's story - I don't ever think you blogged about it!