Friday, June 13, 2008

40 Week Appointment!

Well I had my 40 week apt this morning... And I have NO news to report!
The doctor actually said that the baby's head decided to come out of my pelvis. It's still down, just not engaged anymore!
I have been having some contractions, but nothing regular or painful.
So... with that said, I have an apt next Wednesday for a non-stress test and another check up.
I have to admit I was very disappointed after the doctors appointment...
Waiting 40 weeks is hard enough to meet this little baby, and to have to wait for longer... I don't think it's too fair! I told my Mom that I don't even think they should give you a due date because its so anti-climatic once you get to the "due" date and nothing is happening.
Anyway, my Mom flew in yesterday. So she is here to wait with us!
Stay tuned, we'll keep you posted!


LeroyLime said...

ooooo....1 day left!!! tick tock, tick tock!!! Can't believe you're going to be holding your little one in your arms SOON!!! I can totally already picture the super cute photo of you and Ben smiling up at the camera in the hospital room holding a precious little bundle but I just can't quite picture the color of the bundle or face! (but I know he/she will be super adorable!!!)

standing by for more NEWS!!! Hi to your Mom!

CE said...

WOW! Your baby must be really comfy. Good luck and it's gotta be anyday now right? :-)

CE said...

If you could hold out about another week, y'all could share b-days...awww. I'm sure you've already thought about that though.

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

I remember being in the same spot :) Hang in there! Once he/she comes you'll forget all about the wait!

Karisa said...

Sounds familiar to us too! I found that as each day passed beyond my "due" date, I thought less and less about it, so when it finally happened, I was so calm!

We'll be thinking of you! :-)

Jaydes said...

How long is your mom going to be there for?