Monday, June 16, 2008


I'll keep it short!

This morning at 5:00 am I woke up with a cramp in my belly. Went to the bathroom, lost my mucus plug, my water broke at 8:00 (as Ben was walking out the door for work, I said, it feels like I just peed my pants, I wonder if my water broke), called the hospital and they want me to come in for observation, my mom casted my BIG belly at 9:00 and now its 9:40 and we are finishing up a few things here and then heading to the hospital to have our baby! Oh yes, and all the while contracting every 10 minutes!
Pain Level: Hurts a little but VERY Tolerable
We would definitely appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers today!!!

Here are a few pics from this morning!

Stay tuned for the BIG news!
40 weeks and 2 days! Taken this morning!


LeroyLime said...

Love the casting pics!!! How FUN!!! I'll have to try that next time around! :) Thanks for your call this morninng...I got SOOO excited when I saw it was your number on the phone...can't wait to see who pops out of you! Girl or Boy, your baby will be beautiful and wonderfully created!!! Hugs to both you and Ben as you venture into this new chapter in your lives, how wonderful!!! I'm sooo excited for you both. Stay strong through the labor, you CAN do it!!! I promise the pain will ALL go away once you hear that cry for the first time! I wish I was there to hold your hand, I LOVE YOU to bits!!! :) Good luck girl, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long...

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

Whooooo Hoooooo! Waiting anxiously for the news!!!!! We were all thinking of you today at VBS!!!

holly gannett said...

Got your txt message about the baby girl :) Congrats! Can't wait to see pics! love. Tobin & Holly

Gordon and Claudia said...

Congratulations Natalie and Ben! We are very happy for your new baby girl's arrival.Looking forward to see some pictures.Wishing Natalie a fast recovery.Talk to you soon,
Love Gordon, Claudia and Jarod

CE said...

Patiently waiting for pics, CONGRATS on the baby GIRL!
Love, The Eddys!

Scott said...

I can't wait to meet Isabella! Congrats again, we are all so excited for you. Jennifer was sure you were having a boy she even dreamt about it last night, she thought she was having a girl so maybe hers will be a boy. I passed on all the advice you gave. Give a big hug to your mom and ben and little Isabella for me.

