Thursday, June 5, 2008

Take Shelter Now!

This is what I heard over our Weather Radio on Thursday night!
I was home alone (well with Peety and baby in belly) on Thursday night and the base sirens went off. I knew a storm was coming, but I didn't know how bad it would be. I went and stood by our weather radio in our bedroom to listen to what the command post on base was going to say... and this is what I heard:
"This is a Tornado Warning. A tornado is headed directly over Altus AFB coming from the NE. A tornado for Altus AFB is immanent. Take shelter now! I repeat, take shelter now!!!"

At this point a little panic sent in and I grabbed Peety, a few pillows and a blanket and headed for the only room in our house that does not have an exterior wall... The bathroom, and I got in the bathtub! About 10 minutes in the bathtub, and the power went out. I could hear the wind and rain blowing against the house and it did seem quite bad. The house was shaking a little, but I did not feel like the roof was going to blow off, which was good!
I stayed in the bathtub for about 30 minutes and then called Ben who was supposed to fly that night to ask him if it was ok to get out of the bathtub?!?
Needless to say Ben didn't fly and came home to a HOT house as our electricity was still not back on, thus our AC was not in action!

Friday morning we went out to survey the damage on base and in town and this is what we saw...

We JUST got our power back on last night... Sunday! So we spent 3 and a half days without electricity! We had to throw out all the food in our fridge and freezer. This picture was taken after Ben already threw out the melted ice cream, Popsicles and thawed meat!


jenny said...

Oh my word! So did a tornado actually hit the base?? Glad you're safe. I was alone on Thursday night as well... scary!

LeroyLime said...

Wow made it sound not so bad when I talked to you on the phone...but there was obviously some damage. Glad you, baby, PT and Ben were safe though!!! Gracious!!! (pull that mattress out girl!)

what a 'fun' cleanup in the fridge, eh?!