Monday, August 9, 2010

We're in Billings at the moment.. visiting Ben's family.

On Saturday I was privileged to go to an all day photography course put on by Karen Russell and hosted by Raffia Sisters.

It was fabulous! I actually learned how to use my camera and take it off of the auto mode while shooting. The love hate relationship I have with my camera is on its way to a renewed love. Praise the Lord... Because I was starting to wonder if I would ever like my camera. The day was very long... but it was well worth it. And of course I could not have attended it without Ann and everyone looking after my kids!

Here are all the ladies (and one token male) who attended the class. Thank you Karen for teaching me some much needed photography tips and knowhow.

And here are some of the photos I have been taking since the class:

Here is Bella in the hot tub with MiMi. Ever since she learned that it was a hot tub... she continually asked for the pool! And finally yesterday morning MiMi took her in the 'pool'.

This was Ann's stroller when she was little. Isn't this boy the cutest thing you have ever seen... Is that BLONDE hair on top of Ethan's head????? What the heck! Oh well... he's ours!

Isabella was helping mimi pick carrots in the garden in her pretty pink skirt.