Monday, June 23, 2008

One Week Old!

I can't believe that our sweet girl is a week old. Time has gone by so fast...

Little Isabella has been such a wonderful baby. She eats like a champ, sleeps really well, and hardly ever cries. It has been such a blessing in this recovery time for me. I couldn't imagine having a fussy/ colic baby right now.

Here are some pics from our first week!

My first PINK outfit!

I have been getting up and feeding every 2 and a half hours, as our little muffin's jaundice levels are a little high. Other then when Isabella's eating, she has to sleep on a paddle that emits this blue light to help with her jaundice. She doesn't seem to mind it though.

We gave Isabella her first sponge bath today (she was looking a little greasy)! She seemed to like it.


LeroyLime said...

nice tub! She's too cute...keep the pic and posts coming!!!

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

She's gorgeous! And you're doing such a great job! It's not easy sticking to such a routine in the beginning, you rock! Can't wait to meet her!!!

jenny said...

Oh she's just too beautiful!! Congratulations on the girl - what a surprise, huh? Love the name!

Karisa said...

We are just so excited that you had a GIRL!!! There's been so many boys...

Isabella is absolutely gorgeous, and you all look great!