Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I love Cougars!

Ben and I finally decided on which jogging stroller to buy!
Our NEW Chariot Cougar2 came in the mail the other day...

It's a bit of a monster piece of equippment... so I wasn't sure how it was going to handle on runs, but I took it for a spin yesterday afternoon and WOW, it was great! I couldn't believe how smooth and easy it was to push and turn! I am so glad that we bought this model. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!

Isabella seems to love it too...
She fell asleep on our run!


Julie said...

That is the coolest!!! I love it!! Swing by and pick Madeline up for a little extra weight to your workout!

LeroyLime said... sweet! That thing is HUGE! :)