Wednesday, June 1, 2011

24 Weeks!

I had my 24 week ob apt today... 
I feel great! I am still teaching my spin classes and feel like I am in (somewhat) good (pregnancy) shape. 
Baby girl loves to move around in the mornings and especially in the evenings when I head to bed. I have a feeling that she will be our biggest baby to date (hopefully not too big though). Bella weighed 7lbs 6 oz and Ethan was 7lbs 8oz, 9 days early). Her kicks and punches are really strong! 
I have enjoyed this pregnancy so far and even after 2 pervious pregnancies, I am still mesmerized at the miracle of growing a baby! 
I like being pregnant... Ben on the other hand, is a little tired of the extra pregnancy gas and hormones. He has said numerous times lately that he is ok if this is our last baby. When he asks me if I am 'done', my answer has been the same each time... "I can't say right now."After Ethan I knew I was not done having children yet. So we will have to see! 

Here I am at 24 weeks. 
20 weeks!

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

Nat, you carry your babies so beautifully!! love ya!