Tuesday, June 26, 2012

9 Months Old!

This little girl turned 9 Months in June. 
She is such a sweetie! A busy, demanding, blue-eyed, cuddly sweetie! 
She is feisty and is constantly on the go... Or wishes she could be on the go at least. 
Here are some things Emalina is doing this month:
  • She learned how to wave 
  • She has gotten a lot more mobile in rolling around on the ground
  • Loves her baths
  • Doesn't like to be swaddled anymore
  • still has at least two naps during the day
  • She became easier to put to bed...  I just lay her in her crib on her side and she goes right to sleep
  • She is still getting up during the night to eat
  • She really like rice cereal with bananas in it (thanks to Grandma Susie for figuring that out)
  • Tried pickles and oranges this month
  • Her hair is really starting to fill in
  • She has been wearing size 5 diapers along with her brother (she could still fit into 4's, but we bought a huge box from Costco in Calgary... so we have been using them on her. They are a little big, but do the trick)
  • In size 6-12 month clothing
  • Everything goes in her mouth, yes even Bella's Dora doll's shoe! I found it suctioned to the roof of her mouth! BAD!
  • She has become a really bad nurser during the day. I have to take her to a quiet room to nurse... or she is just too interest in what everyone else is doing.
  • She is my only baby who has played strange with people...
  • But not only does she play strange... if you are a new person and you look at her the wrong way, she totally looses it and usually I am the only person who will calm her down. Little stinker!

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