Friday, June 25, 2010

Sarah & Scott's Wedding

We met my parents to begin our summer adventure #1, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada for my oldest friend, Sarah's wedding. Sarah and I have been friends since we were mice in our first ice show together when we were 6! And ever since then we have had a long history of friendship and fun... we even date the same guy in high school (not at the same time
Sarah and Scott tied the knot in a beautiful wedding ceremony on top of a pier in old MOntreal. It was an absolute beautiful posh modern wedding and fit Sarah and Scott's personality to a tee. I was so glad that we were able to celebrate this special day with the two of them. Sarah and Scott looked so in love and Sarah looked so so so beautiful as a bride.

Sarah's niece Claire and Bella having a susu party during the wedding ceremony
Mary (the brides mom) and my mom at the reception

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Auntie Liz's Visit!

Liz came out for Isabella's birthday and to meet little Ethan.
It was SO SO SO nice having Liz for the week. She helped with the kids, dinner, Bella's birthday party and let Ben and I go on a date on Friday night. Isabella LOVED having her auntie Liz play with her, take her to the park and give her constant attention. It was so special that Liz could come and spend the week with us. It was a busy week... but it was super fun. Thanks so much for coming auntie Liz. We love you and miss you. Hope to see you in August.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Someone Turned 2 and is already learning how to drive!

Isabella turned 2! Can you believe it! I simply cannot!
Our sweet girl is such a delight! She is becoming her own little feisty person with a lovable personality. We love her so much. I have been writing all the words down that she knows (but the list is in Oklahoma and I am behind blogging in Calgary... so I will update on all the words she knows when we get home)... the list is over 100 words long. Not only is Bella a cutie pie... She is a very smart girl.
Liz (Ben's sister) was out for Bella's birthday (another post) and helped out making the week extra special for our BIG 2 year old. For her birthday, Isabella got some new wheels! Check them out:
On Friday we had a little party with all her friends. All these little girls are born within 2 and a half months of each other. It is so fun watching them all interact together. They are just so stinkin' cute!

Bella blowing out her '2' candle

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our Sweet Children

Here is Ethan's 4 month shrinking bear photos:
He is just growing so fast. Just look at those legs!
these days Ethan is doing the following:
  • Starting to pull up his legs when lying on his back
  • Drooling constantly
  • Starting to put things in his mouth
  • Starting to laugh at things
  • This month he totally lost his hair (except for a little bit at the bottom of his head), but it is starting to grow back already. And it's still light!
  • has put himself on a schedule of going to be between 7-8
  • Likes having his face covered when he sleeps
  • 92 percentile for head circumference
  • weighs 14.1 lbs 74 percentile
  • is 25.5 inches long
  • Has moved into size 2 diapers
  • loves to snuggle into you
  • still doesn't like standing on his legs. If you lift him up to standing position, his legs just flop down!
  • He is still a lazy eater. Nurses 60%, is breastmilk-bottle fed the rest.
  • He had a herniated belly button, but it totally went down this month. I should have gotten pictures of it, but didn't. It was actually quite big and a little unsightly... but we don't have to worry about that anymore.
  • He is a really happy baby in the mornings and usually gives me lots of BIG smiles!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Mason and Caden came over this morning for a playdate.
Their Mom Stacy is one of my good friends here in Altus and they are currently PCS'ing (military term for moving) to Ohio, so all their toys and stuff are packed away. So they came over to play with Bella and her toys (and the cat, who loved every minute of it).
Our playdate was quite eventful...

Playing with toys...
Drawing on the walls:
this is just one section of the lovely artwork, there were 4 all together. We don't really know who the culprit was. Caden was caught red handed (literally) with a red crayon in his hand... But Bella was holding the purple and orange was in between them on the floor. So who knows! Thank goodness we live in a base house where things just get painted over!
Put these things all together and you get VERY sleepy kids...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Birthday Suits & Bathing Suits

How cute are these kids?
Ethan has almost outgrown his bathtub. Crazy how fast this boy has grown!
Just recently Isabella is very much into picking out her own clothes to wear. She usually points to the dresses and yells Dress Mommy. What a cute little bum!

We've been spending a lot of time at the base pool. Bella is slowly getting used to the water. Daddy even took her down the slide!