Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Week in the Life: Tuesday!

Good Morning Tuesday!!!! My day started dark and early at 6:30, when Ben came in and said... "shoot the trash". Tuesday's are garbage days in Rodenbach... and we never forget. Except for today!!!! So I threw my jacket  and boot on and dashed outside to see if the garbage truck had come yet. I must have looked a bit funny when my German neighbor was out getting his paper and saw me lovely outfit!!!! A tad embarrassing! Anyway, to our dismay, the garbage truck had already come and gone. This is a big deal... Why you may ask... well our trash only gets picked up once every TWO WEEKS and has to fit in that tiny black garbage can pictured below!!!!! Luckily, because we have a child in diapers, we get extra black garbage bags to use (if you don't have a child in diapers, you have to pay for extra black garbage bags). 
So needless to say, we will have a butt load of garbage in another two weeks! It was also plastics day!! Three of those yellow bags are ours. I secretly LOVE all the recycling here in Germany.

After my dash to get the recycling out, I crawled back in bed until Bella and Ethan got up at 8:30. Tuesday's are me get the house in order days. Because we don't HAVE to be anywhere until 4:15! 
So after my morning ritual of this:  I tackle things like this:
And the kids park themselves here:

 Next up... lunch and quiet time. 
 Please tell me I'm not the only Mom, whose child's room looks like this sometimes. I told Bella that she ahd to clean her room during her quiet time. A few minutes later, I walked by her room and she was stuffing things into a bag... Hello.... Can we have a like mother like daughter!!!! LOL! That was my way of 'cleaning' my room when I was younger. Who needs to clean, when you can just hide it!!!! 
After Bella was done with quiet time, we worked on her Advent craft:
And then it was off to ballet class on base after naps. 

While Bella was a dance, I made a quick trip to the commissary. It is SO SO SO much easier going grocery shopping with just two kids. We were in and out in less then half an hour! 

 After dance I made a quick stop at MY FAVORITE STORE in Germany to pick up a Christmas ornament for my spouse social tonight. 

I call these next things... wife saver dinner! Nothing like homemade chicken caesar salad for Ben's dinner! Bye honey... I'm out for the night! 
 Ben did a fabulous job with the kids, while I enjoyed dinner and a night out with the OSS spouses. We had a great time, food and laughs. I got an ornament from one of the Christmas Markets here in Germany. It's hand painted and beautiful! 

 I never quite know what Bella will be wearing when I come home. Tonight, she chose to sleep in her ballet outfit... And of course wore her crown!!!! 

 See Y'all tomorrow folks! 


Mandi Merritt said...

Such a great post! Your trash outfit had me cracking up. I've also been out chasing the garbage truck in my pajamas. Also, I loved how you mentioned shopping is easier with JUST TWO kids! Here I wait till I just have one, haha. Miss you!

Jill said...

Sounds like you are at home in Germany now! Love your pics and especially your fab outfit in the first one! I remember the garbage cans from when we visited Jaimee. I thought that was pretty amazing!