Sunday, October 26, 2008

We're Back!

We're back from our wonderful trip to Pennsylvania! It was so nice to be back in Lancaster county again seeing all of our relatives and seeing the sights of Amish country.

Once again Bella was a perfect little traveler!
Isabella loved meeting all her great aunts and uncles, 2nd cousins and her very special great grandmother's.
I feel like I really got to know people on this trip. Had some great conversations and spent quality time with people.

A special thanks goes out to Mary & Fran, Joy & Tim and Gail & Jim for opening up their homes for us to stay in. And thanks to all those who cooked yummie meals to keep our tummy's happy. And of course all those people who were more then willing to take care of Isabella... holding her, changing her diaper, feeding her and babysitting! Isabella loved every minute of it! (and I enjoyed the help too).

Here are all the things we did while we were there! Enjoy!


Julie said...

We are so glad you are back! It looks like you had a fabulous trip.

Marc, Jaimee, Ben and Liam said...

WOW! Great trip recap!

Anonymous said...

Hey you...I have been thinking of you :) we will have to touch base shortly...Looks like you guys had a great time! Be in touch- Trista