Friday, May 16, 2008

36 Weeks

36 Weeks...
feeling BIG, but still feeling good.
The baby is still moving around quite a bit, which means he/she probably has more room to grow in there. Don't quite know how I feel about that... But I guess I have NO choice.
I went for my 36 week appointment this past Thursday and the doctor said that NOTHING is happening yet. My cevix is NOT open for business at the moment, no thinning and no contractions! I guess I should get prepared to go a full 40 weeks with this little babe just in case he/she doesn't decide to make an early arrival. I just really hope and pray that the little babe doesn't decide to be stubborn and stay in my belly longer then 40 weeks.

It is getting more exciting though, anticipating the arrival of our baby girl or boy. Ben and I still have the feeling that our baby is a BOY. It is funny how everyone has their own opinion on who is inside of me. Some people are completely convinced that we are having a BOY and the same goes for people convinced we are having a GIRL. It's quite funny. I can't wait to know! Less then 30 days to go... So not too much longer!

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

stinkin' CUTE! that's all I have to say!!!