Friday, May 23, 2008

37 Weeks and counting...

Well... I had my 37 week apt today, and still NOTHING is happening !
No contractions, thinning, or opening of my cervix!
Oh boy, I have a feeling this little baby is quite comfortable in my belly and doesn't want to come out!
Over the past few months I have had 4 friends who had their babies 2-3 weeks early. So I guess I was anticipating that our babe would want to make an early appearance to please his/her mommy, but I don't think that is our baby's plan. At this point I am just so excited to finally meet our baby, that it would have been nice for him or her to come a little early. I am still feeling great and working out regularly, so I really shouldn't complain!
Truly all I really do want is a healthy baby, so if that means that our little one has to go a full 40 weeks OR even longer... that will be fine!


LeroyLime said...

ha ha...pretty soon, you look back, babe in arms and wonder where the time went! Get some REST girl, you're going to need it!

jenny said...

Wow! You're so close! What are you doing for working out?? I need ideas... I'm feeling heavy and slow...

Ms. Natties Mum said...

You are too cute...I am hoping your labor goes smoothly, it will help being in such great shape! Savor these last few weeks prego...I miss you dearly!

Michelle Fry said...

I remember being so impatient, too! I tried almost everything--spicy food, long walks, etc...and no early baby! But rest assured, when Baby Shaub is finally born, he/she will be well worth the wait! =)