Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2 Month Appointment

This morning I took Isabella in for her 2 month appointment. The Doctor was pleased with her progress and said she is a healthy little girl.
Here are her stats:
Height: 24 inches - 90th percentile
Weight: 11lbs 1.8oz - 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 40cm - 75th percentile

Translation: Our sweet girl is a long, skinny baby with somewhat of a big head! We love her so much!

She just seems to be getting cuter all the time. I love her little faces and smiles as soon as she gets up from sleeping and her naps and the little noises she is making all the time now.

Sleeping in her car seat and baby chair during the day seems to be a thing of the past. Since we came home from Canada, Isabella Girl has been sleeping in her CRIB during the day! Yay. And we seem to have a steady routine during the day of her nap times, feeding and awake times... As well as her nighttime sleeping... Our little CHAMP usually sleeps from 9pm until 7:30 every morning, eats and then goes back to sleep for at least another hour and a half. Praise the Lord! She's just like her Mama... We need our sleep!

Here are some cute pics of Missy Bella!


jenny said...

She is absolutely adorable!! I hope I have as good a sleeper!

LeroyLime said...

LOVE the bow, it's bigger than her head!

Ms. Natties Mum said...

You are sooo lucky that Bella is a sleeper like you, I think little Nattie is on a flight schedule sometimes. uhhh I don't know if she will ever sleep through the night. I miss you to pieces, love the pictures :) She is such a dolly.

Mandi Merritt said...

That bow is so cute. She's precious :)