Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Isabella is 3 Months Old!

I know I say this almost every second post, but I can't believe how fast time is going!!! The last 3 months has gone by so fast... it's sort of sad! Isabella is growing like a weed and is getting more and more of a personality everyday!
These days Isabella has found her hands! If she doesn't have her Su-su (pacifier) in her mouth, she is constantly chewing on her hands! This past week she tried to grab at a toy on her play gym. It was so cute trying to watch her do it... She was so focused on her toy that her little eyes went cross-eyed as she looked up at it! She can't quite grab and close her hand yet (so she mostly just bats at the toys).

Bella Girl has also found her voice!!! On Saturday Ben and I were both amazed at how talkative and loud she was. She even left a voice message for Grammy and Grampy telling them all about her day!

Here is Isabella's Shrinking Bear Photo for month # 3!

Here is a little video clip of Bella chatting... It was hard to capture her in action, because every time i turned the camera on she would stop making noise! Silly girl!
I know,I know... The bow is a bit much!

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

awww...she's the same size as the bear now, too cute!!!