Monday, September 1, 2008

Labour Day Weekend Fun!

I can't believe we are already into SEPTEMBER!!!! Time is just flying by so fast! We had a fun and relaxing few days this past weekend to bring in September. We had to stick close to home, because Ben was on alert for Hurricane Gustav... so on Saturday we headed down to Wichita Falls, TX to run some errands, shop and go for dinner. It was nice to actually shop at a (decent) Mall and eat at a nice restaurant (Jhonny Carrino's). Sunday we went to Church (and actually made it to Sunday School at 9:30), then went out for lunch with our friends the Fish's & Moore's. In the afternoon we hung around home and relaxed!

Monday we went on the Lopez's boat for the afternoon. It was so much fun. The day was beautiful... there was a nice breeze and it wasn't to hot (90's). Ms Bella Girl slept pretty much the whole time, other then the BIGGEST POOP of her life! Poop was everywhere (although we did manage to NOT get any poop on Sam's boat)! It was quite funny!

In the evening we had an impromptu BBQ with a few friends, except when Ben went to hook up our new propane tank to the BBQ... It didn't work! Oh no!
Good thing Matt and Mandi only live across the street, because we sent the guys to bring their BBQ over to our house. This was the first time we have been able to sit outside for dinner the whole summer because it has been SO HOT! The evening was absolutely beautiful!

So all is all, it was a wonderful weekend!

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