Friday, January 14, 2011

Almost a YEAR old!

Only one month to go and we will be celebrating another 1st birthday! CRAZY!
Ethan turned 11 months on the 12th of this month. I am starting to think he really is an easy baby. He is very predictable and for the most part is very content.
Here are some things are almost 1 year old is doing:
  • Loves his Daddy. When Ben comes home from work, he gets all excited and with fuss until Ben picks his up. Or if Ben puts Ethan down and leaves the room, we hear from this little guy.
  • He still only has one tooth (you can see it in a few of the photos)
  • He is interacting way more (he loves peekaboo and what I call the 'give and take' game)
  • He is still only sitting, but just in the last week he has become a lot less content with just sitting. i can tell he wants to move. He just doesn't quiet have the strength and coordination to do it.
  • To go along with the former, he is getting a lot more squirmy. He is a pro at reaching something just out of his reach, but reaching and rolling.
  • He is a great eater. Ethan loves his food! Sometimes he even eats more then Bella (although a mouse eats more then her at times)
  • He goes to bed at 7:00 on the dot. Sleeps all night and usually gets up between 7-8. If he gets up earlier then 7, he will go back to sleep, after a morning bottle.
  • He loves to skype. If someone is blocking his view of the computer, he will lean until it is in view (super cute).
  • Fits in 12-18 month clothing
  • He has started to wave. I have to get this on video, because it is so cute. He sticks his arm/hand way in the air and then turns his little hand out. Love it. And he is so proud of himself too.
What a little cutie. Here are some photos of Ethan with his shrinking bear! It was hard to get a clear photo of him, because he kept rocking the chair back and forth.


LeroyLime said...

wow, can't believe your little man is almost 1! These precious years do fly by too fast, don't they?! Can't wait to see you all this next week!

Mandi Merritt said...

What a sweet little guy. I can't believe he's almost ONE! It sure feels like yesterday you were announcing your pregnancy...