Monday, January 31, 2011

Beat up by Pinkeye!

Poor Ethan woke up this morning and his eye looked awful!
I called the doctor's office first thing to get him in.
He has pinkeye! I don't think it really hurts him, but it sure does look horrible!
Hopefully it won't get much worse! I guess that means that we are going to be housebound this week too.
We are supposed to get some bad weather here starting tonight at 4:00am with an accumulation of an inch of freezing rain.
Hopefully we don't have a repeat of LAST YEAR... But if we do, we have our generator ready!


LeroyLime said...

oh my goodness, poor little guy! Hope his eye gets better soon!

jenny said...

Poor Ethan. I don't know if you're still breast feeding, but breast milk cures pink eye! Just rub some on his eye and it should clear up fast!