Monday, January 9, 2012

A Week in the Life: Monday

Today was a big clean up day! Ben was on his way home from his trip and I wanted to get the house picked up before he arrived. 
The morning started off with an episode of Handy Manny on TV. Ethan has just been getting into watching tv, and I must say that it is really nice sometime to have them both sit quietly and watch something while I am trying to get breakfast ready, clean up... or just accomplish anything. 

 I couldn't stand it any longer... I decided to try and use the stove even though it is out of commission... or so I thought! It worked perfectly fine! Wish I had known that over the past week! 

 There was two loads of laundry to fold and Ethan was my laundry helper... I told Ethan that I would pay him 10 cents for every piece of clothes that he folded... 
 He did a pretty good job... and made $10! LOL!
 Then it was nap time... Bella usually has quiet time in her room for the first half of Ethan's nap... today, she fell asleep. So all three kids were napping at the same time! Ahhh... silence! 

 I woke Bella up from her nap and dropped her off at Jaimee's house while I left Ethan sleeping to drop Liz off for work. I came back to Jaimee's to pick Bella up and this is what I found... 
Two crazy monkeys!!
 Bella and Liam doing acrobatics on the couch...
Daddy came home from his trip with stories of the best Italian pizza and fresh squid he'd ever eaten! Along with pictures of his hotel overlooking the Italian coast... Um HELLO, hard life?!?!

 Ethan eating Soowha for an early dinner snack... Soowha is his code word for cereal. 
 This is their favorite part of the day... when Daddy comes home to play. Bella and Ethan LOVE IT! 

 Bella in her frog princess cape! 
 Just call me Eva!!!! I won't lie... This is what our floors looked like after Eva's Express Cleaning whipped through the house. 
That's Monday... The End! 

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