Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Week In The Life... Sunday!

A week in the life of Bella, Ethan & Emalina.
Two years ago Julie and I did a week in the life of our girls... Go HERE to see That week! Crazy to think that since then, I have had two more kids, left Altus, moved to Germany, said goodbye to many good friends, said hello to new ones... How time flies!
Good morning Sunday! 
This is how this sweet little girl wakes up everyday! Bright eyed and beautiful! Emalina went to bed with me around 11 Saturday night... woke up at 8am to nurse and then went back to sleep until 10:30 when I woke her up to nurse before we headed off to church! Don't hate me because my kids are beautiful... sleepers! LOL! 
Ben is TDY in Italy, Scotland, and the Azores... Tough life! I was secretly really excited for him though, because this was his first flight in the C20! Go Ben! 
We actually managed to get out of the house and be on time for Church! A miracle! 
 We hurried back home for some lunch... I feel like my kids have lived off of hotdogs, mac and cheese (the microwave kind nonetheless) and yogurt this past week, as Ethan broke our stove top with a Pam cooking spray can and we are waiting to get a new one... So Needless to say, I have been a super healthy mom, feeding my kids super healthy meals... At least they are getting fed! 

After a quick lunch we headed off to drop Auntie Liz off at work and then headed out to our friend Kim's house to go for a walk (he husband is also out of town this week). Kim and Derek live in a beautiful village called Gries. 
After our walk it was time to head to Awana at Church. Bella is in cubbies this year and had LOVED the program! Here she is in her fabulous princess of the most high king crown! 
We then headed home and scarfed down some pizza, before heading back out to get Auntie Liz from work. 
Auntie Liz in the BEST story teller... as she is Bella's first pick to put her to bed at night.
Goodnight Bella!
And then it was Insanity time... Liz and I went hardcore with Shaun T for 45 minutes, while Emalina watched on in her swing.  
The End!
Here are the links to all our friends doing A Week in the Life this time:

1 comment:

Mandi Merritt said...

Looks like fun! I love hearing about how everyone is doing!