Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Week in the Life: Thursday!

Good Morning Thursday... 
Not too much writing today... I have to get to bed at a decent time tonight! All this late night posting is making me tired! 

 Out of the house in record time... 11:00! Yes that is a van for all of you who didn't know we got a minivan when we moved here! LOL!
 We headed to Landsthul to do some shoe shopping... No luck. But it was fun. The kids got to ride the dragon for being good inside the shoe store. 
 We passed a pharmacy on the way to lunch and since we don't own a scale (and since every pharmacy has a scale in it), Liz and I weighed ourselves at the pharmacy. I was pleasantly surprised to know that I am just 2 and a half pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight! Woo hoo!
 We then headed to the bakery across the street for some lunch. 

 After lunch, we divided and conquered and went on base... I dropped LIz off at the BX to take the kids to the indoor playground and I took Emalina to the commissary to do a grocery run. 
Clearly I had the easier job!
 And poor Liz had to entertain these two monkeys, as the playground was closed for painting! 
 Ethan fell asleep in the car, and as soon as we got home Bella went next door to play with her best bud Liam! These two have such fun together! 

 After a family Insanity workout... Bella and Ethan were ready for bed and got to watch a little Cars 2 before hitting the sack...
 While Mommy and Daddy got to head out to the Macaroni Grill on base for dinner. Thanks Auntie Liz! 
 We enjoyed a quiet and yummy dinner... and a fabulous dessert... Obviously! 

 Daddy hanging out with Emalina before bed. 
Good night Thursday!


LeroyLime said...

dude, you have Macaroni Grill on jealous! We had Burger King and Taco Bell in Stuttgart! :)

Mandi Merritt said...

No kidding! That sounds yummy! Love the new van too, what'd you get?