Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Week in the Life: Tuesday!

 Good Morning Tuesday! Our day started off just before 9:00 with this crazy dude yelling Dizzz from his crib! Dizz aka Auntie Liz had a day off today, so Ben went and got Ethan from his crib and started him off with Soowha! 
 And this little princess with a blueberry waffle... But she wasn't really into the blueberries in the waffle, or having her picture taken so early in the morning. 
 Just call me BARBER! Ok, well not really... But I tried! Ethan's hair was driving me crazy (he was beginning to look like a little Amish boy)... so I cut it! 
The before...
 Here is the evidence...
 And here is the result... just give it a few days (or weeks) and it will look great! 

 I made eggs for Ethan and Bella's real breakfast and they had a little picnic on the floor with Auntie Liz! 
 By 11, Ethan was acting sleepy... so down he went for a nap! With all of his buba's (blankets) and susu's (pacifiers)!
 During Ethan and Emalina's nap time... Bella played with her magnetic horse scene (you all should go and get your kids the same thing... Mudpuppy magnetic figures... hours and hours of entertainment!) And Liz and I hit it hardcore with Insanity... the most I've sweat so far! Check out Bella's shoes!
By mid afternoon, our living room looked like this: Please tell me I'm not alone in this?!?
 This sweet little girl hung out in her swing when she was not sleeping during the day.
 Italian sausage soup for dinner... fond memories of this soup, eating it with Jason & Laura Brown and Nick & Julie Schindler in the February 2010 ice storm, 9 months pregnant. Still just as good.
Bath Time...
 Teeth time... along with another great shot of Ethan's new hairdo!
Story time... It's funny, Ethan never liked reading stories at night until after he turned 18 months. Now its apart of his bed time routine...
 His stash of favorites...
 And again... Auntie Liz was  Bella's chosen story teller tonight!
Until Wednesday... Good Night! 
 Peety says goodnight too!

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

when did Peety get there?? Thought you left him at your parents...fun post!